A Rua Ruth year
At this time of year I always feel compelled to look back at the year that was, and it’s been an interesting one for me, the #LostTours and for Rua Ruth. I have selected my top 7 most amazing moments from the year below.
1. A photo taken at my Lost Tours Launch Party (see it in action below) in front my Grandad’s former Gentlemen’s Outfitters on Exchequer Street made the front cover of The Sunday Times weekend newspaper supplement in June and I was interviewed as being part of a growing generation of history lovers in the city.
2. I discovered that the amazing revolutionary Thomas MacDonagh and his wife Muriel Gifford lived in my very own apartment in Upper Baggot Street! See more about this surprise discovery and 1916 story here.
3. The Lost Tours were full to capacity for the duration of the summer with The Lost Fashion History of Grafton Street being the most popular. Read more about what happens on a #LostTour and why the doorman below made me laugh.
4. I got long-listed for the Littlewoods Ireland Blog Awards 2016.
5. In September I did a special tour for the incredible Irish Georgian Society who do wonderful work to conserve, protect and foster an interest and a respect for Ireland’s architectural heritage. I am looking forward to doing more tours in association with the society again in April 2017.
6. In October I was delighted to be able to give a very special Lost Tour for No Idle Day Festival with all proceeds going to the Dublin Simon Community. With thanks to Siobhan Kane. Read more about the event and the cause here.