The Soda Syphon
This gorgeous 1930s style soda syphon was saved (by me) when we sold my Granny’s house. I’ve been hanging on to it for far too long now and reckoned it would be perfect for my Dublin Flea Market stall. I liked it because it reminded me of another more sophisticated age. I could just imagine a Noel Coward and Evelyn Waugh type in immaculately tailored suits spraying the carbonated water into delicate cocktail glasses over much witty repartee! Well, I never would have believed it but the syphon was a hit at the November Flea. I found out more than I ever imagined about drinks cabinet accoutrements. This particular model is by Thwaites which was in fact a Dublin carbonated drinks factory and is dated (according to my Flea customers) between 1930 and 1950. Who knew there were so many soda syphon aficionados in Dublin?